Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Forget my password at anther mail i have?

i have anther mail its mago9112002@yahoo.com i forget the password of it %26amp; i canot get it back couse i donot remmber any details i wright on it like birthday or countary .

To prove that email is main i just chang the password since may be 3 month %26amp; the old one is 131178 %26amp; i have anther one like this id in hotmail its mago9112002@hotmail.com

so plz plz give me this email password help me in this there many photo in this email i want it %26amp; i want this email at all

Forget my password at anther mail i have?
To get in you have to remember the birthday and your other info or your out of luck.always write your info down and put it away in a safe place.my son did the same thing as he gave another yr for his birthday and forgot what he put,He now has a new account; and the old one is history,
Reply:I think you should create A NEW ACCOUNT and remember your BIRTHDAY this time and your COUNTRY.

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