Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What are the functions of these plant parts?

Stigma, Style, Ovary, Anther, Filament, Petal, Sepal.

What are the functions of these plant parts?
The first five are reproductive structures. The stigma, style, and ovary together make up the carpel/pistil, which is the female reproductive organ. The anther and filament make up the stamen, which is the male reproductive organ. The ovary houses the megasporangium (producing ovules, the eggs); the anther houses the microsporangium (producing pollen, the sperm). The stigma is the receptacle for the pollen.

The petals and sepals are sterile appendages (not reproductive). Sepals are the first whorl of sterile appendages, petals are those above the sepals (when sepals are present). Both are modified leaves. The sepals protect the reproductive structures when they're young and still in bud form. The petals generally function to attract pollinators, though wind pollinated plants have petals as well (usually green or brown and much-reduced in appearance, compared with animal pollinated plants).

Hope that helps =].

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